Overdraft Loan

Overdraft Loan is a credit facility allowing customers to withdraw an amount of money that is greater than balance shown in their current account under the approved credit limit to finance daily operation and support the working capital requirement of the business.

Specific features
  • Currency:

    KHR and USD

  • Term:

    Up to 12 months

  • Loan size:

    From USD10,000 or equivalent to other currencies

  • Interest rate:

    0.88% per month

  • Repayment mode:

    Interest payment on utilization

  • Flexible cash withdrawal
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Ease business cash management
  • Interest charge on utilization amount only
  • Less fee charges and not complicated
  • Flexible collateral acceptance including the substitution of the collateral
  • Easy access to our branch network and ATMs nationwide

Notice: Bank reserves the rights to change the above information without prior notice.